
BSAHRP celebrates jazzy 2nd Anniversary

RMG Times
রবিবার, ডিসেম্বর ৩১, ২০১৭
  • শেয়ার করুন

Washim Mia, Staff Correspondent: With an immense acceptability, success and the lots of love from thousands of hearts, the leading organization of Human Resources, Administrations and compliance professionals of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Society for Apparel Human Resource Professionals, BSAHRP, accomplishing two consecutive successful years, has stepped onto the 3rd year of its journey. BSAHRP celebrated its 2nd anniversary on the occasion in a festive and splendid way at Hotel Sea Shell in Uttara, Dhaka last Friday on 29 December 2017.

In the evening, the function started with cutting a cake. All the leaders, members and other distinguished guests attended the function for which it turned into a col-ligating for all of them.

Mr. Ali Hossain, Organizing Secretary, presenting the function in which Mr. K. M. Mahatabuddin, President-BSAHRP,  Mr. Nure A. Khan, Secretary General, Mr. M. A. Hashem, Joint Secretary, Mr. Hanifur Rahman, Treasurer, and distinguished guests were present.

“On behalf of BSAHRP, I appreciate for the excellent job you all have done for which our association ran smoothly and efficiently in your skilful hands. This would be surely impossible without all the hard work of those who patiently and generously spent their skills and time. In particular Mr. Nure A. Khan (Secretary), Mr. Hashem(Joint Secretary) and other devoted committee members deserve hearty gratitude for their utmost effort. I should not forget to thank all the Executive Committee members for their continuous assistance and commitment to the Association” said Mr. K. M. Mahatabuddin, President of BSAHRP in his welcoming speech.

“I wish BSAHRP all the very best in its journey ahead” he added.

Mr. Nure A. Khan, General Secretary- BSAHRP, said “The year, 2017 is notable for many reasons. First of all we completed our two successive years and now celebrating our 2nd anniversary as an organization. BSAHRP also has emerged on the national stage as a leading voice in philanthropy in support of dramatic changes in Registration attainment under Societies Registration Act, 1860 to RJSC, which is under commerce ministry. This recognition has strengthened our solid underpinning of confidence. There is no better platform to reflect on that journey than BSAHRP”.

He also mentioned “Bangladesh is one of the most emerging countries in the world. Here 30% of the total people are young. We all, the HR professionals can turn this opportunity into a revolution throughout the RMG industry. Besides, we are aware of the fact that our world is being constantly expanded and many more challenges are waiting on the way of our vision of sustainable industry progress . I hope that with the help of effective training programs, sharing innovative knowledge, participating with humanitarian tasks and metamorphosing our large youth people into human resources as per global benchmark, we can accomplish our organizational goal and be a superlative society of apparel HR professionals all around Bangladesh”.

Mr. Hashem said in his speech that there will be special help desk and legal advisor to respond if any query is required. Besides, health and life insurance will be on for the members as well.

Later on, invited guests, leaders and members delivered their speech and expressed their achievements and expectations. They exchanged new-year greetings to each other in advance on the occasion.

Lastly, the function ended with dinner and a cultural program respectively.