
Success Story of Parul in Hirdaramani

RMG Times
মঙ্গলবার, মার্চ ২৯, ২০২২
  • শেয়ার করুন

Desk Report: Parul’s story is one of true perseverance in the face of hardship. Having lost her father at the age of 11, difficult times hit her family, Parul however managed to finish secondary school but had to stop her education to find work.

She started her career at Hirdaramani as a Junior Quality checker, using the money she earned to support her mother and younger sister. As she worked and progressed she not only supported her sisters schooling but supported her to achieve a Bachelor’s Degree and also managed the expenses for her wedding.

With her strong performance at work by 2013 Parul was promoted to Senior Quality Checker, she was married in the same year and life progressed well until her husband lost his job. But with her income and her hard work she was able to continue to support her family and her mother.

Today she is a Supervisor in the Quality Section, her family is doing well and most importantly her daughter is in grade 1 and getting a good education.

This article was published by Kenpark Bangladesh, a concern of  Hirdaramani Group, in Social Media and Parul is working for them.