Staff Reporter: Healthy employees are productive employees. To reinforce understanding of National & International standards related to health & well-being conditions at workplace, a 2 days long training on ‘Workers’ Health & Wellbeing in workplace: Laws and Practice’ was held on 01-02 November 2019 at the Wisdom Campus, Uttara, Dhaka. It was the 11th batch of the same titled session.
The session was organized by Sustainable Management System Bangladesh with the support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, Working With Women- II by SNV Netherlands Development Organization and Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies-BILS.
The session was conducted by vastly experienced and internationally recognised trainer Mr. Abdul Alim, Chief Executive Officer- Sustainable Management System Bangladesh in which a good number of participants from different garment manufacturing companies attended as the participants.
The session came to an end with a note that every participant will develop a health & wellbeing model for the workers of their respective organisations with a view to ensuring wellbeing for them.
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