Staff Correspondent : “Impactt Limited” hosted a launch ceremony to introduce their new Benefits for Business & Workers Advance training programme on January 16th 2017 at Palm View Restaurant. The event was hosted by HR Lead Consultant Sharif Islam, Senior Production Consultant Manoj Singh and Director Dionne Harrison. Impactt’s HR consultants Tawhidul Islam Chanchal and ASM Zahirul Haque were also present at the event.
Impactt is a leading consultancy specializing in supporting employers to improve their business performance and workers’ jobs. The BBW programme is a highly recognized training programme, supported by over 19 international brands and retailers. Over 128 factories have graduated from BBW in recent years. They have, on average, seen their labour turnover and absenteeism reduce by 47% and 36% respectively. In addition, factories have improved their cut to ship ratio by an average of 0.99% and reported cost savings of over £6.2 million.
During the launch, Impactt introduced BBW Advance to factories that have graduated from the BBW programme. BBW Advance is a 5 month programme for factory management that wants to build on the results achieved during BBW.
The event was attended by 62 people including Owners, Directors, ED, GM and BBW team members from 35 BBW graduate factories. Impactt will host a second launch event the January 17th 2017.
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