
$50 billion export targets on 2021 and our responsibilities.

RMG Times
সোমবার, এপ্রিল ২৪, ২০১৭
  • শেয়ার করুন

Akhlakur Rahman : Needless to tell that 80%of foreign currency of Banglaedsh is earning by exporting readymade garments mostly exporting to the European countries, America, Canada, Australia, Japan, Russia and few other Asian countries. BGMEA (Bangladesh Garments Manufacturer and Exporters Association) is targeted to export $50 billion RMG within 2021. The Journey of RMG exporting  start from 1980’s and by this time many kinds of obstacle been faced by this sector and of course Bangladesh is now a matured country of RMG business and exporting. Bangladesh is 2nd largest RMG exportersnext to China is in first and so that automaticallyits gets many competitors in international market. By the blessing of this sector huge number of employment been created directly and indirectly. Basically thousands of millions of female workers have been working in this sector and they have changed their life style and have been practicing economic freedom in family and social life. Second generation of RMG workers getting opportunity of receiving education and thus they have been interring in mainstream services like doctor, engineer, lawyer, teacher and other jobs as well as they also getting scholarship of foreign universities of their own accord. The work forces of RMG sector undoubtedly, punctual, liable, responsible and laborious. Though recent past we have observed few unrests for increasing salaries and other benefits it’s because immature handling by the management, lacking of right time decision, lake of understanding of basic and crying need of workers and involvement of unregistered labor union or federation, buzz or chitchat spreading out by paid or hired activators by ours competitors in this sector and few other countries conspiracy against Bangladesh RMG exporting. The recent past destructive incident atRana Plaza, fire incident at Tajrin Fashion also erased and damaged our reputation and reduced export market yet and loss of confidence of our beloved workers however we have recovered the image and reputation  but by the initiative of buyers, owners, management, workforces and other national and international stakeholders already.

BGMEA has launched its target to export $50 billion in 2021. But for achieving this target they need to work together them and with other stakeholders and Government needs to increase its aid to the owners in all aspects. Gas, electricity, port facility, carries facility and others support has to be provided for 24 hours whenever need on urgent basis. Bureaucracy and conspiracy need to be stopped totally to get permission of new factories, getting connection of gas, electrical lines etc. Need to set up more industrial Export Processing Zone for local and foreign investors demand basis. It’s of course need to increase cargo loading and unloading capacity only and one main Seas Port Chittagong. Until this Sea Port capacity should not be increased or modernized than $50 billion export target should be flied only air. It’s time demanding that Government have to set up special one stop service center to do all kinds support to the businessmen and investors. Deep Sea Port also necessary to support the export and brings attention to international buyers. Indeed I’m very much confused, still RMG exporting is backbone of the economy of the country and any kind of fabricated or natural problem to behampered this export of RMG than Bangladesh economy and reserved money to be ruined within a month but why not a special department of Ministry not yet started by the Government. Hope Government will be opened such type of Ministry soon and of course the deep Sea Port at Chittagong.

It is known to us that RMG industries are not automated machines driven. It’s depended on manpower and mostly by female workers. These female and male workforces are souls of those industries. Production, productivity, quality and export rhythm depends on their happiness and activities. To achieve $50 billion targets within 2021 doubtlessly need to double the strength of the industries as well as workforces. It’s must to educate the workforces on different matters to face the challenges. To bring workers satisfaction is high important. In that regards must need to increase the salary of workers regularly so that they can meet the basic needs such as accommodation, foods, dress, education and social security and entertainment of their. But every year rapid and unlawful increase of house rent, increase of necessary goods price, increase of electricity cost, cooking gas cost and so on putting them huge pressure to survive at least. Government and owner have no any control over those increasing of price and cost. And that is why when the workers cannot afford them by the salary they get than no way but they go for demonstration for salary hike. And then conspiracy by international competitor’s taking the scope to make it out of control and media focus. On the other hand due to England bailout from EU English pound has weekend against American’s dollar.UK base buyers already have reduced the prices of products.10 to .50 cents per piece which is big threat to owners to maintain regular cost and workers salary. Not only that due to Donald Trump is in power in America and he is shouting and get involved with several fighting with different countries with different issues for that reason economy here to be fallen in threat and will impact our RMG exports. Hence to keep calm the main souls mean workers Govt. and BGMEA have to take several steps such as to provide subside for that sector workers, to put pressure and monitoring to house owners of the surrounding area so that they cannot increase house rent unnecessarily. BGMEA can set up and run schools and mini hospitals in different area of giving priority of RMG workers to keep their daily expense in control. Government has to control unnecessary price hiking of Goods and powers.

We have passed almost 40 years in RMG exports but still we have been producing and exporting low price category products only. We have failed to draw attention and trust of buyers that our capacity concerning all aspects is now upmost level to produce high category products. Our competitors like China, Cambodia, Vietnam and India still doing high price category products and they are very strongly set up with backward linkages where as we are still very week in backward linkages excluding circular knits. For woven, laces and others accessories we have to depended on China basically. It’s my high concern we need to well set up with all kind of backward linkages to achieve the said targets otherwise dream should be dream. And to stronger our negotiation with buyers for better pricing and sure no alteration of this negotiations skills. End of 2016 terrorist attract in Holy Artisan at Gulshan-2 at Dhaka also drugged our export huge. Government has to alter all time so that no scope of re-occurrence of such a terrorist attract.

Recently European’s buyers have been giving pressures on authority to form trade union and to join trade union federations of union’s choice. Ethically they are right cause EU and America has been practicing this type practice more than hundred years ago and their education rate is 100%. On the other hand education rate in our country is very poor, indeed people like to dig politically in any matter in this land no matter it impacts are good or bad. Freedom to form and joint any labor union is demanding by EU and America buyers in RMG industries. No matter, factory owners can take the initiative to authorize to form trade union in factories and to join trade union federation. This initiative will increase the negotiation power of our works but we have to think that should we are able to properly negotiate with buyers on price of products. Be thought, by permitting trade union workers negotiation power will increase and strong where as if the management negotiation power to be reduced on price negation on products than what would be consequences or impact. In that regards my concept is workers need to educate on advantage and disadvantage of trade union first, management need to strong and be able to increase negotiation power on products price and Government, political parties, social workers should not be used the trade unions badly or politically. After all these parameters to be realized by all parties only than trade union formation get permit and should not be an issue for industries. And the trade union impact is closely related of achieving $50 billionexport targets within 2021.

Until one most important fact herein not describe than this article to be undone. If Bangladesh can achieve the targetsof $50 billion exports more or less does not fact. This figure need to almost double than present export mean more lands, water both natural and underground, gas, fuel, electricity need to be used. It’s known to us at present around 140-180 liters water need to produce 1kg fabric (Knit). In the meantime by discharging waste water which are much polluted of mixing with natural water flows hence natural water also have been polluted drastically. Recent year water level of underground water is going down 3-5feet every year that indicating shortage of ground water for near future and going down of water level also creating another geographical threat. Increase of using vehicles for management and stuff, for goods carries and so on increasing the carbon emission into the air huge and polluted the air quality. For rapid growing on industries green tress has been cutting and ruining green fields as well which is big concern for destroying environment. As we have seen surrounding the capital city Dhaka, Gazipur, Narsingdi, Chittagong’s rivers and all others water lands has been polluted by discharging polluted waste water and chemical mixing water from industries and presently few rivers water not suitable for living of biological organ. So, be though what would be the environmental impact on environment and ecology and ecosystem of that land. Indeed industrialization and export shall not be stopped but proper environmental policy and procedure need to be adapted and of course implementation and properly monitoring by the right authority, NGO’s and other national and international stakeholders. Any single liter of water shall not be discharged without proper treatment into the natural water flows like rivers, wetlands, canals and ponds. Policy shall be adapted to control carbon emission, proper uses of water, making greener of industries compound and surrounding. Industrialist, authorities and other beneficiaries shall be failed to protect environment affairs than all efforts will fruitless.